How much does it cost to study in Canada

Investigate the price of tuition for your chosen degree program. Colleges and universities in Canada often charge less than their American, British, and Australian counterparts.

Primary and secondary school costs

Primary and secondary school costs

Elementary and secondary schools in Canada charge yearly tuition to international students. The tuition at various educational institutions varies. To illustrate:

  • The annual tuition for public schools may be anywhere from $9,500 to $17,000.
  • Day schools that are private or independent might have annual tuition rates ranging from $15,000 to $30,000.
  • Annual tuition for boarding institutions that are either private or independent may be anywhere from $63,000 to $83,000.

Additionally, certain school-sponsored events, such as:

  • For Trips
  • Sports Activity
  • Class Treat
  • field trips

Lunches are brought to school by the majority of children. Students have the option to buy meals from cafeterias or participate in school-sponsored hot lunch programs.

Language school costs

There is usually a certain amount of weeks for language classes. Tuition rates differ from one institution to another. The average weekly cost of tuition is somewhere around $340 to $425.

College and vocational school costs

College and vocational school tuition varies by program and institution. The duration of college programs varies. The time required to complete a program might range from a few months to many years. Annual tuition may typically be anything from $7,000 to $22,000+.

A work placement or apprenticeship is a requirement of many degree programs, allowing students the opportunity to earn money while they study.

College students typically spend around $15,000 a year on living expenses.

University costs

College tuition varies from one degree program and institution to another. Tuition at Canadian universities typically costs about:

Undergraduates from outside Canada may expect to pay $36,100 per year (Statistics Canada, 2022).
$21,100 annually for graduate students from outside of Canada (Statistics Canada, 2022)
University students typically spend around $15,000 a year on living expenses.


Scholarships to study in Canada

If you want to study in Canada, you might be able to get a grant, scholarship, or fellowship. Many Canadian universities, the federal government, and individual provinces and territories provide financial aid to foreign students.

Scholarships are available at many different schools. To get additional details, get in touch with your school.




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